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A Biblical Understanding of Mary - 4 CD set, Dr Scott Hahn
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CloseDr. Scott Hahn -- (4-CD Set)
If you have ever encountered objections to the Church’s teaching on Mary, then you need these CDs! In one of the most spectacular CD series we offer, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the biblical basis for the Catholic Teaching on Mary, the Blessed Virgin.
Beginning with the Gospel of John, Dr. Hahn shows how the sacred Scriptures illuminate Christ’s mother as the fountain of Mercy. In God’s Plan of salvation, the simple peasant girl of Nazareth, the mother of Christ, becomes the queen of Heaven, above even the angels.
In the 3rd talk, Dr. Hahn tackles what was, for him as a Protestant, the most difficult Marian doctrine: that Mary was, through a special grace from God, born free of the taint of original sin.
Finally, just as the Ark of the Covenant carried within it the written covenant between God and the Israelites, so too, Mary carried within her womb Jesus, the New Covenant of Salvation for all the World.
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